Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a plant that grows in estuaries and provides critical habitat for the juvenile stages of fish, lobsters, mussels, and other organisms. Eelgrass provides several ecosystem benefits including high biodiversity, carbon sequestration, nutrient uptake, and other important ecosystem services. Historic data suggest that eelgrass meadows flourished in many estuaries and embayments in MassBays. Over time however, several embayments have suffered extensive losses in the extent of this habitat, as documented by the eelgrass aerial mapping conducted by the Department of Environmental Protection since 1995.
In collaboration with several partners, MassBays is participating in various efforts to investigate and better understand the causes of these losses, to improve efforts for successful restoration, and to develop management plan for eelgrass across MassBays. Click here for more information on these ongoing programs.